التسجيل للنشرة الإخبارية
هل انت مهتم؟ إذا كنت مهتمًا بمعرفة LCOY Egypt ، فنحن نود أن نبقيك على اطلاع بأحدث المعلومات حول المؤتمر ، إلى جانب ورش العمل والمناقشات الجماعية.
About LCOY Egypt
COY (Conference of Youth) is an event held under the banner of YOUNGO to discuss the viewpoints of the youth on how to achieve a more sustainable future for the global community. The Local Conference of Youth is the national version of Conference of Youth, operating under the slogan "By Youth, for Youth." The Conference of Youth takes place everywhere across the globe, including Canada, Japan, Poland, and more. And, now, it is time for the Egyptian youth to join the topic of environmental policy and share their ideas with the world.
Our main aim is to empower our youth to take effective actions towards their community and boost their actions both locally and internationally. The conference consists of a series of events, workshops, live streams to discuss the effects of Global Warming and raise environmental awareness in Egypt, discussing applicable solutions to save the planet. Our principal is focused on young people and everyone is welcome to participate regardless of their political preferences.
Our mission is to bring the young voices together within the country to discuss climate & environmental-related topics, recognize the disastrous impact on the planet, and share ideas on how to deal with this situation. The Local Conference of Youth held in Egypt will be a safe space that embraces mutual respect and share valuable ideas to serve the greater good. It is also a platform of education and active engagement to help the youth to develop themselves and their society.
We strive to create an efficient atmosphere to exchange ideas and perspectives regarding critical environmental issues, pollution, and climate change.
We hold discussion groups to discuss the importance of climate protection and the negative impact of Global Warming on the entire planet. Meanwhile, we discuss different ways to make cities more sustainable and educate others about possible eco-friendly acts. This is done through factual conversations and a beneficial exchange of views.
It is important for each member to share their expertise and educate others on the urgency of the climate crisis and how to deal with it. That way everyone is aware of the disasters of climate change and the effect of modernization on the planet. Upon this knowledge, everyone can participate in the climate policy debate and point out possible actions to control these issues and save the planet.
هل انت مهتم؟ إذا كنت مهتمًا بمعرفة LCOY Egypt ، فنحن نود أن نبقيك على اطلاع بأحدث المعلومات حول المؤتمر ، إلى جانب ورش العمل والمناقشات الجماعية.